The faculty of Agronomy of Andijan Agriculture Institute was organized in 1964.The faculty has the following educational directions: “Protection of Plants” (1981), “Fruit and Vegetable Growing” (1994), “ Seriсulture” (1991), “Storage and Processing Technology of Farm Products” (2001), “Ecology and Protection of Environment” (2003), “Professional Education on Agronomy” (2008), “Selection of Agricultural Seeds”.
The following chairs such as:
“General chemistry”, “Botany and physiology”, “Proteсtion of Plants”, “Agrochemistry and General Farming”, “Plant – Growing”, “Cotton – Seeds Growing, Genetiсs, Selection of Agriculture and Sericulture” functioned up to 2004.
At the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic Uzbekistan of September 15, 2004, N 207 the following chairs were organized.
1. Agrochemistry, Agriculture and Protection of Plants.
2. Plant - Farming and Ecology.
3. Plant – Growing.
The head of chair “Agrochemistry, Agriculture and Protection of Plants” has been Q. Hushvaqtov, assistant professor, candidate of agricultural sciences since 2012. The teaching staff is: 2 professors, 6 – candidates of sciences and 10 assistants.
J.Toychiyev the head of the chair “Plant – Growing”, assistant professor, candidate of agricultural sciences has begun his activity in April, 2012. Total number of teachers of chair is 22, 8 of them candidates of sciences, assistant professors, 14 – assistants.
The chair Plant – Farming and Ecology. The head of the chair is Z. Rakhmanov, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor. 10 experienced teachers, one of them is doctor of sciences, 5 are candidates of sciences, 4 senior teachers and assistants.
There are 6 educational directions for bachelor’s degree.
511100 – Professional education (Agronomy).
5410200 – Agronomy.
5410300 – Protection of Plants.
5410500 –Storage and Processing Technology of Farm Products.
5411000 – Fruit and Vegetable Growing.
5410400 – Selection of Agricultural Plants and Seed – Farming.
Since 2012 -2013 academic year 2 educational directions on Master’s degree have been functioning.
5A 410200 – Plant Growing (on kinds of plants)
5A 410300 – Protection of Plants.
The above mentioned educational directions were founded at the Order of the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic Uzbekistan N 343.
The teaching process is being organized according to the state educational standards, Model plans of higher education and the working plans are worked out on the basis of these documents.
The students have got all conditions for their studies. Total number of students for 2011-2012 is 846. 191 of them study at the faculty of “Agronomy”, 263 are students of “Proteсtion of Plants”, “Storage and Processing Technology of Farm Products” directions – 165, Professional training – 133 students, “Fruit and Vegetable Growing” – 49 students “Agricultural Plants Seeds Selection” – 45.
At the order N 191 of the Ministry of High and Professional Education of the Republic Uzbekistan July 24, 2008 “Adoption of Improved State Standards and Teaching Plans for Educational Directions and Specialties” and the order N369 of the Institute Rector of September 23, 2008, academic year teaching plans have been implemented into teaching process.
To improve spiritual – enlightening aspects of students, to be aware of their actions and manners, living conditions and not to join extreamistic groups which are opposite to our society, professors and teachers of our faculty took on a responsibility to be trainers of each course and group.
First of all, professors and teachers explain the ways of implementation and study speeches, degrees and works of the President of the Republic Uzbekistan I.Karimov.
Every year we celebrate the Independence Day of our Republic at a high spirit.
On the occasion of the admission of the 2012 as “The year of firm and durable family” several actions have been carried out where the students of the faculty have taken an active part.
Research Work
One of the heat tasks of professors and Agronomy faculty is a responsibility to prepare competitive personnel who can take an active part in firming the independence of the Republic, demanded in the “National Program of Personnel training” of the Republic Uzbekistan.
Research works were fulfilled on theme: “Qishloq xo’jalik ekinlari yuqori va sifatli hosil olish yo’llarini ishlab chiqish” (“Working out ways of high quality yield agricultural products”) projected for 2005 – 2010 by the scientists of the faculty. They were distributed among the chairs. The research work on theme:
“Farg’ona vodiysi sharoitida rayonlashtirish uchun erta pishar serxosil va yuqori sifatli tola beradigan g’o’za navlarini yaratish” “Creating early high – yield and high quality fibrous varieties of cotton – plant to localize in the conditions of Fergana Valley” was carried out by the scientists of the chair “Plant Protection”.
Nowadays five varieties, 24 lines and 48 standards are being studied on the experimental production farm.
Scientists of “Agrocultural chemistry”, “Agriculture and Plant Protection” chairs are working on the following themes:
1. “Tuproqdagi harakatchan fosfor miqdoriga qarab g’o’zani minenal va mahalliy o’g’itlar bilan oziqlantirishning o’simlikni kasallik va zararkurandalarga chidamligini oshirishdagi ahamiyati”
“Significance of plants steadiness to diseases and pests when fertilized with minerals and manure depending on the amount of mobile phosphorus in the soil”.
2. “G’o’zani oziqlantirish va qalinligi o’simliklarni kasallik va zararkurandalarga ta`siri”.
“Influence of fertilizing and density of cotton plants on dessases and pests’.
The scientists of the chair “Farming and ecology” carry out the scientific reseach on theme:
“Studying biology and ecology of the plant greasy mafsar”.
Research work in the faculty is directed to solve the heat problems of the day.
The researches are being carried out on the foreign grant, a Science and Technologies Centre grant, contracts of Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources.
1. “Creating new early high quality high – yield fibrous variety cotton plant in the conditions of Fergana Valley”.
2. “Observing a mulberry moth and creating means of combating an environment” of the capacity of 5.7 sooms in the cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic Uzbekistan.
3. “Studying biology of pomegranate pest and fig moth, ways of combating them” in capacity of 8.7 mln. sooms in cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of RU and Science Centre of Andijan and Namangan regions in capacity of 18.0 mln. sooms.
4. “Studying the pests developed in rotated crops in Fergana Valley and creating the ways of plants protection”.
Investigations are carried out joint with the Academy of Sciences of the Republic Uzbekistan, Andijan and Namangan regions.
As a result of the cooperation 6 dissertations were defended in the faculty:
2008 – 2009 academic year by the assistant of the chair “Plant – growing” Zafarjon Raxmonov;
2009 – 2010 academic year by the assistant of the chair “Farming and Ecology” Saida Mirzaeva;
2010 – 2011 academic year by the assistant of this chair Goolchehra Urinbaeva;
2011 – 2012 academic year by the assistant of this chair Mahfuza Yusupova and Komil Komilov.
To develop research works in the faculty in April 2007 there was organized scientific production center with mechanized and automized lines projected to produce bracon in the capacity of 100 mln sooms and triogram that of 22.5 mln sooms to combat agricultural plants pests and insects coming to the conclusion from tasks stated in the speech of the President of the Republic Uzbekistan I.Karimov in October 13, 2006 in the session of the People`s Deputies of Andijan region. “About projection of necessary measures to be carried out planned tasks and setting defects”.
Nowadays in the Research Centre of the Institute there were conducted several laboratory works and seminars on the following subjects:
“Biological Protection of Plants”, “Specification of development and reproduction vermin’s and disease beforehand”, “Combined methods of Plant Protection”, “Cotton - Plant Growing Technology”.
Working with gifted students. A great attention is prayed to the gifted students.
There are students scientific clubs at every chair. The clubs work directly joint with SSU of the Institute. Gifted students are attached to the responsible teachers and scientific leaders.
Every year the students of the faculty take part in the choice on the German LOGO (Landwirtschaft Okologishe Gliyechgwich keit in Osteuropa) project.
The gifted students of our faculty take an active part in scientific – practical forums conducted in our Republic with their articles and thesis.
Every year in the faculty scientific and theoretical forums are conducted.
Nowadays a number of gifted students are carrying out scientific investigations on their own directions in the experimental production center of the faculty.